Contemporary Dance Platform (Slovak acronym: PLAST) is an independent umbrella organisation of more than 60 artist members and 9 organisations as honorary members which systematically works on creation of sustainable infrastructure and good conditions for contemporary dance, its growing visibility as a respected art form and a vital part of society. It was created in Bratislava in 2016 out of need of artists to protest against politically motivated interventions negatively influencing the contemporary dance scene but it slowly grew to become a larger initiative initiating strategic steps for better funding and stronger inclusion of contemporary dance into national cultural strategies. In 2017 Contemporary Dance Platform launched and published a complex analysis of the state of financing and production conditions for dance creators in Slovakia within the period of years 2010 – 2016. Many of the latter activities of the organisation came as a result of conclusions of given mapping. Currently its activities include organizing discussions and seminars on up to date problems, mapping and informing about current dance production, a project of systematic analysis, reviewing and discussions about current productions and informing the general public about Slovak dance scene as such by means of a web portal In co-operation with Bratislava Self-Governing Region and cultural organisation Nadácia Cvernovka it is currently building a project of a Residential Centre for contemporary dance and performance art Telocvicna in Bratislava and in co-operation with partner institutions it is enganging in international promotion of Slovak contemporary dance. Since 2024 PLAST has been a member of the EDN – European Dance Development Network.
Račianska 78
831 02 Bratislava